Browsing all posts tagged with FPS.

Battlefield 3 – Review

Battlefield 3 – Review

This is just the beginning. It would be nice to think that now the game is out the onslaught of the year long marketing push is to be retired and we can all have a rest from the BLUH NUH NUH BLUH NUH NUH, but…

Syndicate – Preview

Syndicate – Preview

I’ll hold up my hands right at the start by saying that I know nothing about Syndicate. I didn’t play the original, I have no idea what it was about or why it’s considered a great game. All I know is that this is a…

Gotham City Impostors Hands-On Preview

Gotham City Impostors Hands-On Preview

Coming out on XBLA, PSN, and PC early next year, Gotham City Impostors asks what would happen if ordinary (though more than slightly crazy) people were inspired by Batman’s efforts to clean up Gotham City to dress up and have a go themselves. The result…