Browsing all posts tagged with FPS.

Painkiller: Hell & Damnation – Preview

Painkiller: Hell & Damnation – Preview

Over the last few years I’ve found my affections toward the FPS genre start to wane. When we first met and we were in the Goldeneye stage of our relationship, I couldn’t have been happier; we’d be together several times a day, and inviting other…

Spec Ops: The Line – Review

Spec Ops: The Line – Review

When a game turns up with the word Ops in the title, you can be pretty sure that at some point you’ll be looking down the sights of a P90, picking off angry groups of pixels from a distance while your screen is increasingly covered…

Bullet Run – E3 Preview

Bullet Run – E3 Preview

Free to play titles can be very hit and miss. While it’s certainly an excellent premise, the quality is sometimes lacking, and excellent ideas and vibrant worlds can end up being portrayed poorly. Triple A studios don’t have this problem, often having an unlimited amount…