Browsing all posts tagged with FPS.

BioShock Infinite – Review

BioShock Infinite – Review

When BioShock first asked us to look beneath the waves and enter the world of Rapture, it was a sight seldom-seen by most, and for many it became one of the definitive games of this generation. Combining incredible décor with cerebral shooting, an intelligent plot…

Far Cry 3 – Review

Far Cry 3 – Review

It has been a good ten or so years since I’ve been a proper PC gamer and I’ve been enjoying consoles ever since, so for me the last great game that I remember from those days was the original Far Cry. Since then, Crytek (no…

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare – Review

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare – Review

The rain is pouring; you hear it ping as it falls upon your armour. Beside you, your brother in arms prepares himself for battle, and, standing before you are twenty men waiting to plow into your lines. You begin your charge and find yourself in…