Browsing all posts tagged with Fallout 3.

Soundtrack Synopsis

Soundtrack Synopsis

Music is everywhere. Whether it’s the prepubescent wailings of turd-faced, snot-nosed urchins like One Direction and Justin Bieber on the radio, or the annoyingly cheerful TV jingles which find it necessary to incessantly warble the words ‘go compare’ at you until your sanity takes an…

The Richie Report: Infinitely Better Than Mundan-o-Shock

The Richie Report: Infinitely Better Than Mundan-o-Shock

Beware the Ides of March! That’s what they told Julius Caesar, and they were right. March is shit, yo. Fucking hell, such slim pickings for this Richie Report that I feel like some sort of game-hungry tramp. It’s just like being the main character in…

Move, Bitch! Get Out Of The Way!

Move, Bitch! Get Out Of The Way!

I’ll be the first to admit that this isn’t the wittiest catchphrase to adopt, but adopt it I have. That’s not to say that I go around using it in polite, everyday society (well, not much, anyway). No, this is a phrase I reserve…