Browsing all posts tagged with eidos.

Thief – Review

Thief – Review

If you’ve read a lot of the press around the release of Thief you could be forgiven for thinking that it’s a terrible game; it’s been getting a lot of 7s and we all know that in games journalism a ’7′ is pretty much the…

Tomb Raider – Review

Tomb Raider – Review

There exists a mantra born from a quote by a man named Eckhart Tolle that reads “Evolve or Die”. Though it was originally used to demonstrate that without reinvention mankind is doomed to repeat the same mistakes ad-infinitum, nowhere does this mantra seem more true…

Guardian of Light Debut Trailer

A new trailer has emerged for the latest outing in the long running Tomb Raider series and it’s certainly a little on the unexpected side with a bit of a Diablo vibe definitely present – that’s not a bad thing either. Lara Croft and the…