Browsing all posts tagged with Dead Space.

Hand-Holding Exploration

Hand-Holding Exploration

Back some twenty-five years ago, I began to form what would later turn out to be my first memories around video gaming. Aged around four or five, I was a very lucky boy, able to play my very own Nintendo Entertainment System or, under the…

The Survival of Horror

The Survival of Horror

For fans of survival horror, there’s nothing more terrifying than to watch our beloved genre lose its personality, tainted by either the misguided notion that more action-oriented gameplay will increase appeal, or simply descend into outright mediocrity. The indie horror scene may be currently thriving…

Dead Space 3 Screens Seem To Confirm Co-Op

The rumour mill has been grinding with increasing vigor for some time now about the possibility of the next Dead Space installment having a co-op mode.  Now, it appears those rumours have turned out to be correct, thanks to a host of screenshots which have…