Browsing all posts tagged with Dead Space 2.

Marginalised, Mistreated and Misunderstood: Video Games and the Fight for Recognition

Marginalised, Mistreated and Misunderstood: Video Games and the Fight for Recognition

I’ve had enough of video games being relegated to the dustbin of society; banished as some form of unpleasant, cultural other; video games deserve a better place in the world, as do the people that play them. Whilst music, literature, theatre, sculpture and painting all…

Dead Space 2 DLC Announced

Well, before Dead Space 2 has even hit the shelves, the first batch of DLC has already being announced, as is usually the way these days.  EA have revealed that the first DLC will be released for the PS3 and Xbox360 and will be called…

7bitarcade Launch Global [play-through] Events

Gamers of the world unite.  At least, that’s what our comrades over at 7bitarcade are hoing for with the launch of their Global [play-through] initiative, starting with the launch of Dead Space 2.  The idea behind the scheme is that gamers the world over can…