7bitarcade Launch Global [play-through] Events

Gamers of the world unite.  At least, that’s what our comrades over at 7bitarcade are hoing for with the launch of their Global [play-through] initiative, starting with the launch of Dead Space 2.  The idea behind the scheme is that gamers the world over can be united as a community as they play a new title, sharing reactions, pics, debating plot points, and generally experiencing the game together.  This is what Adam, Editor at 7bitarcade had to say:

“If we’re all playing the same game at the same time, why not play together?  On release of a game, be it any that we fancy getting everyone to play and have a big party for, we’ll be utilising the power of social network sites such as Twitter and Facebook to create a community of fans all playing the same game, at the same time.  By sharing thoughts, photos or vids of reactions, and comments via the Global[play-through] site, 7bitarcade are hoping to create that coveted feeling of everyone sat in the same room playing, watching and enjoying the same story.”

The site: http://globalplaythrough.7bitarcade.com launches today and a Facebook app will be along before the launch of Dead Space 2 at http://apps.facebook.com/globalplaythrough

The Dead Space 2 play-though, which will be happening the weekend of the 19th February, will be the first in, hopefully, a long line of events and has the backing of EA.  So if you fancy sharing the ups downs, and brown trouser moments of the long awaited Dead Space 2, scoot along to the site and get those cams charged for some classic reaction vids.

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