Browsing all posts tagged with Dead Rising 3.

The Capcom E3 2014 Round-up

The Capcom E3 2014 Round-up

After a mighty 2013 that gave us Remember Me, Ducktales: Remastered, DmC: Devil May Cry and the long-awaited return of the Ace Attorney series, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Capcom were almost spoiling us [Nope. If there's no Ferrero Rocher there's no

The Richie Report – The Sodium Pentothal Doused Twig

The Richie Report – The Sodium Pentothal Doused Twig

“bored of cod”
April is pretty good. She’s not just the journalist from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. She’s also an okay month. We get that hour of daylight back for a start, just as the depression begins to take hold and our eyes seal…

Dead Rising 3 – E3 Preview

Dead Rising 3 – E3 Preview

Though zombies have become as stale and cliché as the Nazis once were, there was a time when they seemed remarkably more interesting and unexploited, and that time was roughly around the beginning of the current console generation. In fact, what spurned fellow GamingLives writer…