Browsing all posts tagged with Crysis 3.

Crysis 3 – Review

Crysis 3 – Review

Crysis 3 has arrived a year too soon.  Think about it.  In about twelve months from now both Microsoft’s and Sony’s next-gen machines will be whirring away under your televisions with enough power to rock the Earth off its axis.  And with the amazing CryEngine…

The Richie Report: The Dripping Snake Movement

The Richie Report: The Dripping Snake Movement

“move about and prod”
Like the midgets that all decent people fear, February was short and cold and, like said midgets when they are trying to IMPREGNATE YOUR FUCKING FACE, gaming doesn’t stand still and so February has been chock full of games and big…

Operation 2012: Part Two – 2013

Operation 2012: Part Two – 2013

Atttennnnn-hut! At ease, soldiers. Not you, Jenkins. Now, you’re probably wondering why I brought you back here, and let me assure you that once we’re done here we can all go back to our piles of shame, because mine’s starting to look like Keel-a-man-jaro! Don’t…