Browsing all posts tagged with crafting systems.

Dead Island 2 On The Way?

More trouble in paradise? In a gaming world where sequels are as inevitable as zombie games, Techland may well be rubbing the two together to spark a second installment of their zombie-fest, Dead Island.  Dead Island was released a few months ago to wildly mixed…

Rage – Review

Rage – Review

With our paths having crossed numerous times over the last couple of years it’s safe to say that it has been a long road for Rage and me. It started during the Eurogamer Expo a few years back, progressed to E3 in June this year,…

Dead Island – Review

Dead Island – Review

We gamers are very spoilt. Spoilt for choice, spoilt for features and spoilt for entertainment. It’s rarely crossed my mind in the past few years that a game hasn’t ever offered up as much to me as it could, been worthy of its budget or…