Browsing all posts tagged with Crackdown.

The Richie Report – The Low Resi / High Reso Satisfaction Ratio

The Richie Report – The Low Resi / High Reso Satisfaction Ratio

Hello, readers! You thought I’d forgotten about you? Believe me. I forget NOTHING. The extended break since our last Richie Report is really just down to the fact that 2015 has been such a slow starter you’d think that it had been born with 2014′s…

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

“lynch the multiplayer”
Hello readers! It’s only been a month since we last caught up and tons has happened. Aside from lots of interesting news about the incoming next-gen consoles, we’ve also had a fucking stack of games, son. A STACK! August be crazy. First…

Crackdown 2 Gets New DLC

The DLC keeps rolling in with new content being revealed for Crackdown 2.  Entitled ‘The Deluge’, the new content will set you back 560 msp and will be available on 16th November.  The Deluge is in fact the name of the new co-op arcade mode…