Browsing all posts tagged with Co-op gaming.

Blood On My Hands

Blood On My Hands

Don’t you hate those people who say “to cut a long story short” and then cut to some tangential, shocking punchline? For example: “So… I was on the bus the other day and, long story short, I’ve now got a pig’s kidney.”  Well, long story…

Co-Opera: A Lesson In Etiquette

Co-Opera: A Lesson In Etiquette

Cooperative multiplayer has become increasingly more prevalent in recent years to the point where inclusion of co-op is almost as common as versus multiplayer. I even heard the next GTA game will feature a co-op story. Okay, I didn’t actually hear that, but it wouldn’t…

Just The Two Of Us

Just The Two Of Us

Give me a great video game and I will sit down for hours. I will be drawn in by the characters and their stories, I will be amazed by the beautiful scenery and animations, but give me a mediocre game and I will play it…