Browsing all posts tagged with Co-op gaming.

Evolve – Preview

Evolve – Preview

When Left 4 Dead burst onto the scene back in 2008 it set a new bar in terms of four player cooperative gaming. One sequel and nearly five hundred hours later, I’m ready for whatever Turtle Rock have got in store for us next and,…

That Special Someone

That Special Someone

They could be the one! Finding ‘the one’ is difficult. You know who I mean; the one you can share everything with, who’s always there for you when you’re having a bad day. You can call them at any time and they’ll run halfway across…

Follow My Leader

Follow My Leader

You may scoff as I sit atop this perch, safe from most enemy fire, but what you don't realise is that I can also watch Lilith's arse in uninterrupted close up for ages. In recent weeks I’ve noticed that, as in real life, in multiplayer…