Browsing all posts tagged with casual games.

Fire – Preview

Fire – Preview

As much as some factions of humanity would disagree, we certainly owe a great deal to evolution. Without it, every movie tie-in would still be struggling to adapt itself into a side-scrolling platformer, pixel graphics would be a tedious norm instead of a retro throwback,…

Stunt Guy 2.0 – Review

Stunt Guy 2.0 – Review

When I got my hands on an iPod Touch a few years ago, I was immediately taken with iOS as a games format. Sure, many traditional games just do not work on a touchscreen but if you design a game around the hardware, you can…

Amazon Launch Game Development Division

Not content with getting in on everything ever as far as retail goes, Amazon are now plonking their feet up on gaming’s well worn table, with their recent announcement that they are launching a game division.  Amazon Game Studios is promising many games, the first…