Browsing all posts tagged with Capital Wasteland.

God Is In The Details

God Is In The Details

A gentleman by the name of Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe is not only responsible for the aphorism “God is in the details” but also for “less is more”. It’s rare to find such mutually applicable contradictions outside of the Bible but it has to…

Exploitation Station

Exploitation Station

We're walking, we're walking, we're walking... and to our left up the shitty slope we have the Capital Wasteland Museum of Oddities and Antiquities. It wasn't much, but those four corrugated iron walls were my home for over 240 gaming hours, and was filled with…



Sometimes the echoes of the day reverberate into our subconscious so much that we relive certain repetitive facets of the day’s activities without ever giving our minds the permission to do so.  The last “goodnights” are whispered gently into your ear by the one you…