Browsing all posts tagged with Capital Wasteland.

Best of 2010 – God Is In The Details

Best of 2010 – God Is In The Details

First Published: April 13, 2010
Voted By: Lorna, Samuel
Reasons for Vote:
One of my favourite articles on the site for the journey through the wastelands that it offers, showing the real treasures that lie beneath the surface. I very much enjoyed how deep a…

Fallout: New Vegas – Review

Fallout: New Vegas – Review

I tried persuading Jeannie May to let me live in the dinosaur, but she wasn't having it. A rather tall, fiery tempered, Scottish progressive rocker once sang “Call it synchronicity, call it déjà vu” and that’s precisely what sprung to mind in the first ten…

Role Play Hero

Role Play Hero

For every genre that exists in gaming, there’s one that’s always held a special place in my giant fluffy heart. Yes, I’ve flirted with other genres and I’ve even enjoyed the company of modern hybrids. But for me, it’s always been about the RPG. No…