Browsing all posts tagged with Capcom.

The Richie Report: Corporate Rear-Ending Supermarket Sweep

The Richie Report: Corporate Rear-Ending Supermarket Sweep

Dear Brotherhood. As you know, we live in dark times. Our researchers have shown that the midgets are now becoming organised and operating with insect-like instincts and a hive-mind mentality. They are somehow able to bend and refract light and, like all creatures bereft of…

The Richie Report: The Resident Raccoon Syndicate

The Richie Report: The Resident Raccoon Syndicate

Hello and welcome to The Richie Report. Over the coming weeks/months/years (delete based on how good the next few paragraphs are), I’ll be spouting off about the state of the gaming nation in a barely comprehensible fashion, like your friendly neighbourhood hobo or christian. Albeit…

Milking The Cash-Cow Dry

Milking The Cash-Cow Dry

Picture a cow. Pretty isn’t it? Imagine those big, almost buoyant udders that look like milk-filled marigolds. Picture those vacant, childish and friendly eyes staring at you with wonder and enchantment. Think about the patchwork ink-spots of black and the vast atlases of white spread…