Browsing all posts tagged with burnout.

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

“the last Richie Report? No.”
Has it really been a month since the last Richie Report? No. It’s been way longer but that’s great as it means I can actually write about some games rather than padding out some bullshit with jokes about piss or…

Burnout CRASH! – Hands-On Impressions

Burnout CRASH! – Hands-On Impressions

So, maybe it wasn’t the announcement we were all looking for from Criterion. Burnout Paradise, a regular game of choice for the GamingLives community, was released way back in 2008, with development finally coming to an end in the Fall of 2009 with the release…

Best of 2010 – Family Values

Best of 2010 – Family Values

First Published: May 27 2010
Voted By: Lee
Reasons for Vote:
Few reasons why this is one of my favourites: it went up not long after I started looking after the Twitter and Facebook accounts for the site and one of my friends Gem (she…