Browsing all posts tagged with Black Mirror 3.

DTP Insolvency Risks Rupturing Pending Releases

Anyone who tells you that the recession is over is obviously letting too many Cosmos, served by their personal butler, go to their head, as for most of us it is very much a reality, with publishers cutting back, studios closing, and now, another loss…

Black Mirror 3 – Review

Black Mirror 3 – Review

After eight years, two developers, and three games, the last part of the Black Mirror trilogy has wound to a close and I can’t help but feel that it represents a sad day for the adventure genre.  The Black Mirror titles rest at the high…

Black Mirror 3 Demo – Download Now!

The release date is creeping ever closer for the third and final part of the Black Mirror trilogy and publishers Lace Mamba Global have just released the demo, offering a tasty teaser of the eagerly awaited dark thriller.  This point and click adventure is set…