Browsing all posts tagged with Beat ‘Em Up.

Double Dragon: Neon – Review

Double Dragon: Neon – Review

Ask any gamer of a certain age to name an ’80s scrolling beat-’em-up and the odds are that Double Dragon will be the first title to come of out of their crumbling, aged gob. It’s one of those few examples of a game that practically…

Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Review

Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Review

Games should be fun. Games should be something you boot up, sit down and chill out with. Fun is challenging, enjoyable, entertaining and (arguably) addictive. Too many games these days are maggot-ridden with gimmicks, failed fan-service and badly-constructed, ramshackle multiplayer add-ons. Developers and producers too…