Browsing all posts tagged with Beat ‘Em Up.

ZHEROS – Review

ZHEROS – Review

In starting ZHEROS, two things became very apparent very quickly. First, this game had either started out as a console title or the developers have made the shockingly ignorant decision that every PC gamer owns an Xbox 360 controller and plans to use it…

Foul Play Interview With Creative Producer Jeff Tanton

Foul Play Interview With Creative Producer Jeff Tanton

After playing the delightful Foul Play, I put on my finest gentleman attire and invited creator Jeff Tanton to an interview, with the caveat that under no circumstances was I to open with a fluff statement likening the success of Foul Play to a…

Final Exam – Preview

Final Exam – Preview

Even if it hasn’t been on your radar, there’s still a chance you may have heard whisperings about Final Exam. This will probably be due to the fact it was once called Obscure, and was a spin-off from a survival-horror series released a…