Browsing all posts tagged with 3DS.

Welcome Home, Nintendo?

Welcome Home, Nintendo?

What's the worst that can happen? Growing up I was very much in the Nintendo camp. Sure, the likes of Sega tempted me and then later on Sony flaunted its undergarments in my direction with the birth of the Playstation, but Nintendo was always in…

3DS Unsuitable For Young Kids?

After making a splash at Nintendo’s successful E3 conference this year, the 3DS snatched the attention of gamers with its polished good looks and impressive, albeit lone, gameplay video of the new Kid Icarus game.  It would seem however, that Nintendo’s glasses free 3D…

Kid Icarus Is Back!

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”  After last night’s announcement, long time Kid Icarus fans won’t care, they’ll be too busy celebrating, because Pit is back.  At Nintendo’s E3 conference yesterday (read more about it from Ed) the mysterious Project Sora was finally announced…