Browsing all 653 posts in Gaming News.

Pendulo’s Yesterday Shows Its Face

Soon to be making a showing on our upcoming adventure roundup of 2012, the new adventure from Pendulo Studios, Yesterday, is looking as sexy as the developer’s former releases, with the release of a handful of screenies. Taking a break from their trademark comedy titles,…

Tropico 4: Modern Times Screens

As mentioned recently, the new expansion for Tropico 4: Modern Times will see dictator El Presidente tested as the island nation of Tropico is forced to move with the times or risk being left in the cold.  Of course, with such things as the internet,…

Victoria II – A House Divided on Diplomacy

For those of you who have been living in the dark (ages), Victoria II is a colonial-era strategy game from Paradox Interactive where expansion and colonisation is the key, with a view to building a powerful nation to carry you through from the 19th to…