I Am Alive Finally Surfaces
by GL News
After a frustratingly long period of radio silence on this intriguing game, Ubisoft have finally announced that the elusive I Am Alive will be surfacing on XboxLIVE and PSN this winter. About time, we say… we’ve waiting many a moon for this one, here at GLHQ. The game is billed as a post-apocalyptic action/adventure, which first popped onto gaming radars years previously, garnering attention thanks to an interesting spin on a tattered concept. I Am Alive focuses on an ‘everyday Joe’ type survivor, trying to locate his wife and daughter in the aftermath of the ‘Event’.
While Ubi are promising the player a mature title, full of ‘thought provoking choices’ and a unique combat system, we’re rather more interested to know whether some of the more unique gameplay elements have remained in place during development, such as water being the most valuable resource that you can possess, even more so than weaponry in some cases. In magazine previews some years ago, we learned that a bottle of water could be used as a distraction to get rid of a pack of desperate enemies, but the difficult choice would be having to relinquish this valuable, life-saving resource in order to save yourself from a potentially deadly scrap.
We don’t yet have many details, but stamina and resource management will be key, and scouring devastated buildings brings not just environmental hazards, but the usual threats posed by other survivors. When and why it made the jump from retail to XBLA, we don’t know, just as long as it avoids the fate of the equally promising Hydrophobia when it eventually made it to release after phasing from full retail to XBLA. One to watch out for. Until then, stay indoors and try not to think of the ‘Event’.
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