E3 2011 Podcast: Day Two
by GL News
What was originally intended as the quietest day for us all, with very few appointments arranged so we could actually enjoy the show floor as gamers rather than journos, ended up being the busiest so far. By the time we’d finished for the night, we’d been privvy to a load of E3 exclusives, including hands on with Sony’s new Vita portable and 3D monitor, new footage from Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, Dead Island, Risen 2 and more gameplay from The Old Republic than ever before.
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Last five articles by GL News
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- PETA Crosses The Line with Farming Simulator 17
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- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments - Review
- ONE Ring
SWTOR – Everyone get their own ship. http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/starships
Need a release date!
Lee…I’ve Just had to explain to my work colleagues why I am pissing myself with laughter…
I am waiting for the Twitter video to come round..!
[...] 3 showing. I won’t go into the full run down of what we saw as we do discuss it a fair bit on our day two podcast, so go and have a listen. I’ll give you the headlines though: The Normandy has got blue bits on [...]
Risen 2 = good?
Fucking wow…
Great to hear everyone’s impressions of the upcoming games, and the hilarious stories.
This also made me even more excited for Mass Effect 3 than I was already, you devious people, you.