E3 2011 Podcast: Day One
by GL News
The first day of E3 2011 is over… the floodgates opened at 12:00 today and tens of thousands piled in to get a first look at the latest games, and perve a bit at the booth babes and cosplayers. With so many titles to see, people to speak with and so few GL writers in attendance, there’s no way in hell we’ll be able to cover everything but here’s what we all enjoyed from today:
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Last five articles by GL News
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- PETA Crosses The Line with Farming Simulator 17
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Review
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments - Review
- ONE Ring
It cuts out halfway through Adam’s anecdote about disappearing
Otherwise, muchly enjoyed it, and it was great to have Adam there too and to see what you guys liked the most thus far
Thanks mate… just realised that the uploaded file was only 24MB when it should have been 82MB… the whole podcast is an hour long! Am re-uploading it now, sorry dood!
Fourth time lucky… and it’s complete!
Am seriously LOVING these. Keep it up
Thank you Mark! It’s so much better getting the rest of it to listen to
Really enjoyed it, surprised by a lot of people’s reactions to the games, so I’m curious to see how the rest of it pans out.
Not that I’ll be able to see until after Download now. =[
For me, these podcasts are really bringing alive the E3 thing! Far more than reading stuff
(though I like reading the stuff too, my brain doesn’t like lots of text on screen)
Sounds like you’re all having a blast too, even with the hard work so yay! Keep it up guys!
[...] our E3 adventure. Time to get back and record the second episode of our E3 podcast which you can listen to here. All of that in just half a day! We’ve got a full day at the expo tomorrow too, I better go get [...]