THQ Team Up With Mattel; He Man Anyone?
by GL News

He has the power you know...
Well for those of you who have always hankered after a He Man game, you may just be in luck because publisher THQ have recently teamed up with Mattel, famous for its production of some of the Werthers generation’s best loved toys such as the infinitely awesome Masters of the Universe. Okay, MOTU before it got remade and spoiled. We can probably expect a few nauseating Barbie titles, along with the usual family friendly IP such as Hot Wheels and Fisher Price, which means they are more than likely to be Wii or DS releases.
“We are excited to work hand-in-hand with the world’s No. 1 toy company to bring a new level of entertainment to its already incredibly popular brands,” Said Martin Good, executive VP of all things casual at THQ.
So…is a He Man game on the cards? Maybe even She Ra? Perhaps, but nowadays, she’d probably not be sporting the bitchketeer heels and belt-like skirt, which is no bad thing…I mean as disguises go, it wasn’t very good, but don’t get us started. Anyway, as lovers of the original He Man cartoons and Mattel figures, we can but greet the news with a touch of interest and some crossed toes that it will lean more towards classic MOTU than the reboot. We’re probably wasting our time, but you know…you have to have a dream.
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