Browsing all posts tagged with Your Sinclair.

Half Writer, Half Gamer, Half Shark

Half Writer, Half Gamer, Half Shark

Quite the man of science... I’m a devotee of science.  I know that the universe is in compliance with natural laws. Belief in God, whilst cute and all, is up there with belief in magic, fairies and Elite 4. However, sometimes divine providence can manifest…

ZX Spectrum Is… Erm… Back!

The gaming machine of the Werthers generation... It  had to happen sooner or later.  With the Sega Mega Drive pads that can be packed with games and simply plugged into the TV being big sellers on places like Firebox for years, it was only a…

Under Press(ure)

Under Press(ure)

Back when I was young... This is a call to arms – a first in a series of articles in which I, as a self confessed miserable old bastard, will explain why the old days actually really were the ‘good’ old days. Why the gaming…