Browsing all posts tagged with XCom.

X-Com Enemy Unrecognisable?

Well, it had to happen otherwise the world would implode from having something actually go to plan without backfiring.  I am, of course, referring to Game Informer’s latest screenies from the recently announced re-imagining of Microprose’s classic turn based beauty, X-Com: Enemy Unknown.  While 2K…

XCOM Returns… Oh Meier!

If there are two words guaranteed to get us excited and, quite honestly, salivating here at GLHQ, they are “XCOM” and “returns”… as long as they don’t come coupled with “2K” and “Marin”, that is. Yes, according to the rain forest guzzling overly-serialised-exclusives behemoth that…

GamingLives Podcast Episode 7

GamingLives Podcast Episode 7

The GamingLives podcast returns from man flu and brings you that something special this week, no not Avatar items… This week we’ve got soul. The team discuss Halo being the big deal that it is and ask if it was more a case of ‘right…