Browsing all posts tagged with XCOM remake.

Avoiding XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Avoiding XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Some time before the advent of HD, around 600 BC, a wise man by the name of Aesop mused “We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified” and, as tends to be the case where we dumb everything down as we ‘evolve’, this…

XCOM: Enemy Unknown – Review

XCOM: Enemy Unknown – Review

Underdogs. We love them. We root for them as they fight seemingly hopelessly against a foe that outclasses them in almost every aspect; be it films, games or real life most people want the underdog to pull it off.  In XCOM: Enemy Unknown you are…

2K and Firaxis Unveil XCOM Digital Pre-Sale

Those of you who, like certain editors of a certain site, may have been waiting almost eighteen years for someone to recognise the greatness of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown and create a remake that actually does it justice, will undoubtedly be chomping at the…