Browsing all posts tagged with we’re knights of the round table and we dance whenever we’re able.

Life Goes On – Preview

Life Goes On – Preview

When the body of your friend and predecessor lays sprawled in front of you on a bed of spikes, and your first thought isn’t “Oh, how sad”, or “may his soul rest in peace”, but “fuck me, that’ll make a spiffy bridge”, you know this…

King Arthur: The Role Playing Wargame – Review

King Arthur: The Role Playing Wargame – Review

Few games have properly beaten me. It’s rare that I will play something that I can’t get to the end of, beat that last boss and save the day. Sadly, King Arthur is one of those games.  I am defeated.  King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame…

King Arthur II – Preview

King Arthur II – Preview

When it comes to PC strategy, Paradox have a hefty stable of titles focussed on various eras in history, but at this year’s E3, we veered more into the realms of the fantastical with a preview showing of King Arthur 2 – an RPG strategy…