Browsing all posts tagged with Vigil Games.

Darksiders II – Review

Darksiders II – Review

There’s a revitalizing vibe of old-schoolness illuminating from Darksiders II.  In a time where developers are pushing the current generation of consoles to the limit with near-photorealistic graphics in bombardments of explosive set-pieces, scrabbling to spend an extra few minutes in the limelight, Vigil Games…

Darksiders II – Preview

Darksiders II – Preview

Following up from what was one of my favourite games of last year, Darksiders II puts you in control of another of the Horseman of the Apocalypse, this time… Death. To bring anybody up to speed who hadn’t played the first game, you played as…

There is only war…

There is only war…

In the 41st millennium, there is only war. For years I have heard these words and prepared myself for some of the best gaming experiences of my life. Sure, I may be a little biased; my love of the Warhammer universe is probably the reason…