Browsing all posts tagged with unplayed games.

Mars Ain’t The Kind Of Place To Raise Your Kids

Mars Ain’t The Kind Of Place To Raise Your Kids

I have many, many games to play in my ‘Pile of Shame’, a phrase coined so often by gamers fighting the deluge of titles to play that it is starting to lose all meaning. I, unlike other gamers, don’t just include titles I’ve purchased but…

My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout

My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout

For more than five years, my life as a gamer has consisted of me playing a combination of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Borderlands, and Borderlands 2.  In terms of hours, Borderlands is likely at the top of that chart with…

A Curious Alchemy

A Curious Alchemy

Among the embers of youth, a few truths, passions, nuggets of experience and certain unassailable realisations can be plucked out and carried forward.  While I’m not yet ready to kick out my fire completely and move into a hollowed out Werther’s Original, I have to…