Browsing all posts tagged with unfinished games.

Kick Off Revival – Review

Kick Off Revival – Review

In the ’90s, during the very early days of the FIFA franchise, the battle of the football games wasn’t being fought by coders from Japan and Canada like it is now. The two giants of the genre were home-grown affairs from England. Sensible Soccer and…

There’s Something About Battlefront

There’s Something About Battlefront

I approached Star Wars Battlefront with a sense of impending doom. I’d preordered the Star Wars PS4, which meant that I was stuck with Battlefront no matter what, so I studiously avoided any and all information about it. When the beta came out, I ignored…

Finish Them!

Finish Them!

While most gamers have to-play piles, and like to worry about them (while forever adding to them) others are infinitely more concerned about that irritating sub-pile: the half-played pile. This wretched heap consists of all those games that, for whatever reason, someone never got around…