Browsing all posts tagged with tower defense.

Defense Grid 2 – Review

Defense Grid 2 – Review

When I sat down to play Defense Grid 2, I can’t say I was particularly excited or intrigued at the thought – I’d not played the original and had only  a brief encounter with its sequel at this year’s E3, which left me with a…

Anomaly 2 – Review

Anomaly 2 – Review

With big-budget games taking longer and longer to make, the indie scene is at its most thrivingest (shut up; it’s a word now) because if you’re Sony or Microsoft you want some fucking games on your system, son! Indie games are quicker to make and…

Defenders of Ardania – Review

Defenders of Ardania – Review

When a game turns up on Microsoft’s Xbox Live service that sits in a particularly crowded genre and costs 1200M$P, it really needs to stand out from the crowd or else it’ll be roundly ignored until it apologetically drops in price during a Deal of…