Browsing all posts tagged with The Last of Us: Remastered.

It Was Him or Me

It Was Him or Me

We’re crouched behind the desk at a ruined security checkpoint. Originally introduced to help screen out the infected during the early days of the outbreak, it has long since been abandoned. The army are dead, murdered by the very people they were sent there to

Games Of Future Past

Games Of Future Past

Despite being the first full year of the PlayStation 4’s and Xbox One’s lives, and the second of Wii U’s, 2014 will likely be remembered by most gamers as the year of the re-release.  “Remastered”, “Definitive Edition”, “Redux” and other similar title extensions have been…

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That’s right, it’s a FESTIVE END OF YEAR RICHIE REPORT all up in your sweet, baffled faces. I’m coming down YOUR CHIMNEY and I’ve got a bag full of OPINIONS. Of course, Christmas isn’t quite what it…