Browsing all posts tagged with The Evil Within.

The Evil Within – Preview

The Evil Within – Preview

I’ve never had what anyone would describe as a ‘good’ relationship with horror. Sure, we flirted with each other a couple of times and maybe shared an illicit week or two together in the form of Resident Evil 4, but we were never anything…

The Survival of Horror

The Survival of Horror

For fans of survival horror, there’s nothing more terrifying than to watch our beloved genre lose its personality, tainted by either the misguided notion that more action-oriented gameplay will increase appeal, or simply descend into outright mediocrity. The indie horror scene may be currently thriving…

The Evil Within – E3 Preview

The Evil Within – E3 Preview

Survival Horror isn’t a genre you see bandied about very often anymore, and in the last few years it’s undergone a serious amount of stagnation. Worse, many titles that start off that way soon deteriorate into something far more insidious and unwelcome as they attempt…