Browsing all posts tagged with swtor.

The Future is Free (To Play)

The Future is Free (To Play)

"I know, it's ridiculous isn't it?" Many years ago, before the world had descended into economic chaos and a dog had been lauded as the most talented person in Britain, there was a well-established business model for games – companies would make a game and…

Look Back At A Blaverage 2011

Look Back At A Blaverage 2011

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. You get fat, you get some games, you get time off of work. That’s the fucking trifecta right there. It’s also a time for reflecting. Have you progressed as a human in 2011? Kept to your resolutions?…

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Hands On Preview

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Hands On Preview

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away… actually, 22nd November at W London Hotel in Leicester Square, Bioware were showing off their latest offering to the RPG world: the massively multiplayer Star Wars: The Old Republic .  This is a game that…