Browsing all posts tagged with Suda51.

Killer Is Dead – Review

Killer Is Dead – Review

Suda 51 is 45 years old. He’s the talented writer/director of several cult games from the respected Killer 7 and the inexplicable Michigan to the current-gen efforts Lollipop Chainsaw and Shadows of the Damned. He is 45 years old. He calls himself Suda 51. His…

Killer Is Dead – E3 Preview and Interview

Killer Is Dead – E3 Preview and Interview

Throughout the industry, those who are revered as legends are those who pioneered the medium in a way that no-one had ever done so before. Ron Gilbert helped prove that comedy was possible, Molyneux taught us about limiting our expectations, and – long after making…

Lollipop Chainsaw – Review

Lollipop Chainsaw – Review

Suda51, I want to marry your mind. Seriously, a brain that can create something as bizarre and wonderful as Lollipop Chainsaw is a beautiful one. What possesses a man to create a game about a scantily clad high school cheerleader who kills zombies with a…