Browsing all posts tagged with strategy.

Planetbase – Review

Planetbase – Review

Technology has progressed at warp speed over the last few decades. You don’t really get a sense of it until you sit back and look at where we once were and where we are now. I remember as a kid of ten in 1997, obsessed…

Bunker Constructor – Review

Bunker Constructor – Review

There’s a lot to be said for simplicity in game design.  Way back before anyone had ever heard of PhysX or dynamic lighting there was a little game by the name of PONG which, miraculously, consisted of nothing more than three blocks – one square,…

Storage Hunters UK: The Game – Review

Storage Hunters UK: The Game – Review

Yes, this is a thing.  It’s a thing I may never have known about had it not been for one fateful weekend a few years ago when a couple of GL writers came to spend the weekend with us.  During the usual sessions of witty…