Browsing all posts tagged with Steam sales.

Saturation Point

Saturation Point

I never thought I’d say it but I’ve reached the point in my gaming career where I actually have too many games to play. Like a sponge soaking up water, I’ve been buying games and adding them to my collection left, right and centre but…

Controller Issues

Controller Issues

It will come as zero surprise to those who know me well that I can be a tad fussy about all things gaming. Even something as supposedly innocuous as an RPG’s inventory system has been known to have me wrinkling my nose up. (In my…

Our 2013 Gaming Resolutions

Our 2013 Gaming Resolutions

With another year beginning comes another attempt at a “New Year’s Resolution”, essentially self-imposed achievements and trophies waiting to unleash their iconic jingles once we’ve completed the challenges we’ve set ourselves. What makes these even more lucrative to the collection of achievement whores and trophy…