Browsing all posts tagged with spared no expense.

Best of 2015: Rex Appeal

Best of 2015: Rex Appeal

First Published: Nov 2, 2015
Voted For By: Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“Who the fuck doesn’t love dinosaurs? And as arguably the biggest dino franchise around, that Jurassic Park has seen so few games is puzzling. Tim explores the subject in his usual thoughtful, in-depth

Rex Appeal

Rex Appeal

Clawing in over a staggering $1.6 billion and counting, breaking numerous box office world records and becoming the third highest grossing movie of all time, Jurassic World has, hands down, been this year’s biggest, and arguably best, summer blockbuster. Although not as good as the…

LEGO Jurassic World – Review

LEGO Jurassic World – Review

If there’s one reliable constant on this toxin-smothered space rock of ours, it’s that if you close your eyes for more than a few seconds a LEGO game will appear behind you like some creeping horror, wearing the skin of something you love. This time,…