Browsing all posts tagged with space sims.

Elite: Dangerous – Review

Elite: Dangerous – Review

You’re probably too young to remember Elite – hell, I’m barely old enough to remember it – the seminal space trading simulator from David Braben & Ian Bell. You see, in the old days games used to be made by one guy in his bedroom…

FTL: Faster Than Light: Advanced Edition – Review

FTL: Faster Than Light: Advanced Edition – Review

I was sitting at the bar when it happened, shot glass in hand, counting down the minutes until that ugly-as-hell Rockman returned with my dinner. I forget his name, but christ was he ugly. I’d rather sit in a Mantis prison with a rotting Slug…

Redshirt – Review

Redshirt – Review

Bet he doesn't do passive aggressive Spacebook updates “I’d like to park my spaceship in your hangar, if you know what I mean.” “I’d wager Maximillian Spacius throws the best parties on the station.” “There’s nothing I enjoy more than a quiet night in. Anyone