Browsing all posts tagged with Sony Computer Entertainment.

The Order: 1886 – Preview

The Order: 1886 – Preview

There’s an odd thing happening within the games industry where the transition between cut-scene and live gameplay has become blurred to the point that it’s almost impossible to know where one ends and the other begins.  At times, the only hint is that those around…

inFamous: Second Son – Review

inFamous: Second Son – Review

There’s probably not one gamer or geek out there who hasn’t dreamed of one day gaining super powers. It’s a staple; the common denominator which, at any level, can bring us together – “If you could have just one super power, what would it be?”…

Rain – Review

Rain – Review

I used to hate rain. Whenever it rained outside I would hide under roofs and awnings to try and get away from it, lest one drop hit my head and send me into a flurry of tears (I have never been a particularly strong person,…