Browsing all posts tagged with Silent Hill.

Best of 2015: Judged Dread

Best of 2015: Judged Dread

First Published: Aug 21, 2015
Voted For By: Chris, Tim
Reason(s) For Vote:
“Lorna writes it exactly as I feel it. Scary games are scary – we’ve both discussed them at length and yet, there is a place for them at the table. No other

Judged Dread

Judged Dread

While there are games that I will generally avoid, there are others that I often wish I had the courage to play. And courage is more than apt. Yes, I’m talking horror. Blessed (or cursed) with a somewhat lily-livered disposition when it comes to ‘scary…

The Survival of Horror

The Survival of Horror

For fans of survival horror, there’s nothing more terrifying than to watch our beloved genre lose its personality, tainted by either the misguided notion that more action-oriented gameplay will increase appeal, or simply descend into outright mediocrity. The indie horror scene may be currently thriving…