Browsing all posts tagged with short games.

Light – Review

Light – Review

A lot can change over the development cycle of a game. Ideas that seemed great at the start can be removed when it turns out they’re not fun or interesting. Stories are written and re-written, graphics alter drastically, and entire portions of a game can…

Gomo – Review

Gomo – Review

There’s something to be said for the dull, inevitable thud of inevitability. No matter how many times you watch Looney Tunes, Wile E Coyote will never catch the Road-Runner, and any attempts will end in him falling off a cliff, accompanied by “meep meep”. Thud.…

Four Hours Into The Future

Four Hours Into The Future

Bill Bailey goes apeshit on his latest heckler When IO Interactive inexplicably decided to ignore their Hitman franchise to produce a follow-up to Kane and Lynch, nobody had high expectations for it. And rightly so. They may have made the fantastic Freedom Fighters (a nifty…