Browsing all posts tagged with shoot em ups.

Kromaia Ω – Review

Kromaia Ω – Review

On paper, Kromaia Ω, the latest effort from indie coders Kraken Empire, sounds pretty good. I’m always up for an arcade shoot ‘em up, and when you add Rez-style aesthetics and the promise of emergent AI behaviour, along with different weapon systems, that’s…

Astebreed – Review

Astebreed – Review

Astebreed is an old-school arcade-style shoot ‘em from Japanese indie developers Edelweiss (not very Japanese sounding, but whatever) and has found its way to the PS4 after doing its time on Steam for a couple of years. Now, normally with a genre as large and…



Death. So many have written about it without truly knowing what it is. How can you? It is, by definition, the end of life. You can’t write from the afterlife, if there is one at all. Maybe that’s why so many people are fascinated with…