Browsing all posts tagged with sandbox.

Tabletop Simulator – Review

Tabletop Simulator – Review

Tabletop Simulator by Berserk Games is less of a game and more of an enabler for many games. Generally speaking, if you want to play a physical tabletop board game, you are going to need to gather a group of people together in the same…

Terraria – Review

Terraria – Review

Let’s get one thing straight, right from the off: Terraria is not Minecraft. The comparison comes up all the time, in almost every review and piece of promotional material you may come across for the game.  Yes, the similarities between the two are pretty clear:…

Project: Theralon – Preview

Project: Theralon – Preview

A CryENGINE game that can be played through Facebook. There. That’s pretty much all you need to know about Project: Theralon.  I’d not heard much about Theralon before Gamescom, other than that it was a prototype sandbox MMO from Infernum, the team behind Brick Force.…