Browsing all posts tagged with Saints Row IV.

The Richie Report: The Repo Man’s Come For The Coconut KitKat

The Richie Report: The Repo Man’s Come For The Coconut KitKat

Hello, poppets. When I joked last time that we’d had five days of sun and therefore that was our summer, I didn’t realise that in fact we were basically crashing into the fucking thing. Crikey, I’m far too pale for this bullshit but what can…

Saints Row IV – Interview With Senior Producer Jim Boone

Saints Row IV – Interview With Senior Producer Jim Boone

Saints Row is one of the most ballistic and insane series around, with more audacious laughs and ludicrous action than you can shake a dildo baseball-bat at. It often seems like there’s nowhere that the series won’t dare to go, and with this chapter of…

Saints Row IV – Interviews With Audio Director Brandon Bray and Art Director Stephen Quirk

Saints Row IV – Interviews With Audio Director Brandon Bray and Art Director Stephen Quirk

As one of the most wacky and madcap series out there, Saints Row IV has a lot to live up to after an adventure that saw a zombie outbreak, insane wrestlers, escort missions with tigers, DLC clones and Burt Reynolds as mayor. Effortlessly upping the…